The visualization view makes it easy to see which features have the highest and lowest return on investment (ROI), based on your quantified assessments – high value features are green and float to the upper-left quadrant, whereas low value features are red and sink to the bottom-left.
Big bets are found in the upper-right quadrant and are often times still worthwhile, but need to be considered carefully and balanced in terms of overall weight in a portfolio, considering their heavy investment footprint. And the Incremental items are lower value but also lower effort, and so they can be useful to slot into spaces where there is extra capacity in your plan.

Filtering the View
Like other lists, you can use the search and facet options to filter down and find the specific items you’re interested in.
Note – there is an immutable (fixed) filter on ‘Has Score’ which means only the items that already have a complete score will be included in the view. This is to prevent dozens of items from bunching up on top of each other, at the bottom of the chart.
Visual Overlays
There are four visual overlays that can be useful for interpreting the chart. You can toggle these on/off at the top of the screen, to suit your needs.
- Quadrants – distinct blue lines that demarcate the four quadrants to which we generally ascribe meaning (Positive, Negative, Big Bets, Incremental).
- Gridlines – A more granular view of where the 0-5 lines are since scoring is done with 0-5.
- Color Overlay – Easily see the the positive zone (green) and negative zone (red).
- Labels – See the labels in the corners for clarity (Positive, Negative, Big Bets, Incremental).
Depends on Scoring Model
The visualization view is not available for every scoring model. Since this is an X/Y column visualization, it will only work for the scoring models that boil down to X vs Y comparison.
See the following chart for when the visualization view is available.
Scoring Model | Is Supported |
Impact vs Effort (default) | Yes |
Benefit v Risk * | Yes |
Weighted Impact * | Yes |
RICE * | No |
ICE * | No |
WSJF* | No |