The Home page of your workspace is where your strategy elements are published, including your Vision, Goals, Focus Areas, and Customer Personas. This article explains how to edit these elements.

Write Your Vision
To write your vision statement, just click on the vision statement area (you’ll see it turn gray when hovering, indicating it is editable). Click it and an editable inline form will appear. Click ‘Save’ to complete.

Add List Items
For All of the lists (Goals, Focus Areas, Personas), the actions are the same. To add an item:
- Hover over the module you want to add an item to (ex Goals). You’ll seethe ‘+” icon appear in the upper-right corner of the module.
- Click the “+” button to see a ‘Create’ modal appear.
- Complete the form and press the ‘Save’ button to finish. Your item is now added to the module’s list.
Edit List Items
For all lists, you can find the edit form by clicking the item you want to edit.
- For Goals and Focus Areas, click the ‘Edit’ button from the details modal to open the Edit form modal.
- For Customer Personas, they open in a side tray that is inline editable, so simply click the element in the side tray you want to edit.
Delete List Items
For All of the lists (Goals, Focus Areas, Personas), the actions are the same. To remove an item:
- Hover over the list item you want to edit. You’ll see an ‘x’ appear to the right of the item. Click that icon.
- You’ll see a confirmation modal appear, asking if you’re sure you want to delete. Click ‘Yes, Delete it!’.