Manage Users (Add, Edit, Delete)

Ability to set user roles and permissions depend on your subscription plan.

Productfolio accounts can have unlimited users per account. Only Team plans however, have the ability to set roles per user, or limit which users have access to which products and functionality. See this article to learn more about roles & permissions.

The following is instruction for managing users, regardless of your plan.

Add a User

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Workspaces from the Avatar icon in the upper right corner. Note – this option is only available for Administrators of the account.
  2. Click the plus icon (+) which opens the form modal to crate the new product.
  3. Follow the series of modal forms to complete the creation of your new product.

Note – if you see a prompt to upgrade your account then you do not have the ability to create additional products unless you upgrade.

Edit a User

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Workspaces from the Avatar icon in the upper right corner. Note – this option is only available for Administrators of the account.
  2. Click the pencil icon that appears when you hover the name of the product from the list.
  3. Edit the content in the form modal that appears and click ‘Save’ to complete the update.

Note – other aspects of the product such as its strategy, roadmap, or lists must be edited from those areas of the tool.

Delete a User

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Workspaces from the Avatar icon in the upper right corner. Note – this option is only available for Administrators of the account.
  2. Click the ‘x’ on the right side of the item that you’d like to delete.
  3. Click the confirmation button to proceed.

Note – all content will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered if you proceed.


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