Let’s Get Started
Product discovery is an important part of the product management process, resulting in valuable insights that inform what we build and why. The Insights section, allows you to capture those insights and link them to the key elements of your strategy and planning process, to demonstrate evidence for your hypotheses, and prioritization decisions (as well as remind you why something is important).

5 Types of Insights
The Insights library is a collection of all types of Insights but each Insight has the option to classify itself as one of five types. These are reflected with a different icon and can be filtered via list filtering (filter icon).

The 5 types are:
- Research Insight – During the course of product discovery, it is common to do market research and to identify key learnings in the process. Create an Insight and tag with this type, when that is the case.
- Job to be Done – Express a fundamental user need as a Job to be Done (per the JTBD framework). This is a good type of insight to link to customer personas.
- General Feedback – Feedback on feature ideas or existing features. You can record feedback received during customer interviews as well as import this type from the portal.
- Feature Request – New suggested features can be tagged with this type. They can be created from interview notes or imported from the portal.
- Bug Report – Another type that can be submitted via the portal, or recorded from organic conversations.
Filter Insight Type

Change Insight Type
You can specify the type from the Create modal or the side tray details view, by clicking the type. A dropdown of options will appear.

Insight Linking
Insights can be linked to Feature Ideas and Customer Personas, to demonstrate evidence opportunity or user need. See the Linking Insights overview for details.
Importing Insights
See the general tutorial for importing/exporting items.