Color Labels

You can set color labels for items on your roadmap to make themes more visually apparent.:

Assign a Color Label

To assign a color label to an item on your roadmap, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the item you want to assign a color label for.
  2. Click the ellipse icon that appears while hovering (‘…’).
  3. Select the label you would like to assign.

Note – you can also remove a color label with these steps, just select the ‘Remove Label’ option.


Create New Label

To create a label, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the list of labels and click to display a dropdown menu
  2. Select the option ‘New Color Label’.
  3. A modal will appear where you can select a color and specify a label’s text.

The following modal is used to set the label text and select a color. To select a color just click the color swatch.

Edit Existing New Label

To create a label, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the list of labels and click to display a dropdown menu
  2. Now, hover over one of the options that appear in the dropdown to see a pencil icon appear.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the existing label.



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