Compare Productfolio vs Roadmunk

Roadmap started out life as a roadmap-only tool, similar to Productplan. Some have loved its flexibility with an underlying pivot table, similar to AirTable that the roadmaps we based on but others have complained it is just harder to use compared to Productplan (another roadmapping tool). More recently, they have expanded beyond just roadmapping to include other key features of product management software such as scoring and planning. Its a good step forward but they’re still several steps behind other full-featured tools like Productfolio, Productboard, and Aha. – try Productfolio today! →

Key Features
User Experience (UX/UI)
Account Management
Strategy Definition
Discovery (Ideas & Insights)
Feature Mgmt (scoring & definition)
Requirements Mgmt
Integration Options
Pricing Summary (per user/mo) Free, $10-20 $20-100
Overall Rating 4.0 1.7

Others Comparisons

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