Compare Productfolio vs Productboard

Productboard has recently made good strides in their capabilities – they have a solid UI and lead the industry in discovery tools such as their insights capture from Intercom and SalesForce. There are still areas they don’t address however such as strategy and requirements, and their price is not insignificant, especially for teams, at $100 per person. Productboard is a strong competitor, but looking at value relative to cost, Productfolio still comes out on top – try Productfolio today!→

Key Features
User Experience (UX/UI)
Account Management
Strategy Definition
Discovery (Ideas & Insights)
Feature Mgmt (scoring & definition)
Requirements Mgmt
Integration Options
Pricing Summary (per user/mo) Free, $10-20 $20-100
Overall Rating 4.0 3.2

Others Comparisons

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